January 26, 2008
Elaine Meinel Supkis
The Washington Post has this 'On Religion' column that is
supposed to talk about religious matters. Most often, this means some
sort of story about how wonderful Judaism is and how nice it is for
other religions to get along with each other and not fight over
ownership of olive trees and mud huts. But when Gandhi's grandson
dared to request Jews to please stop using the Holocaust as an excuse
to steal and kill in the Holy Land, he was attacked and driven out of
the 'Peace Institute' he led just as Jimmy Carter has been 'vanished'
by the media for doing the same thing. War grows nearer as the battle
heats up in Gaza.
Gandhi Quits Peace Institute in Flap Over Blog Posting By Michelle
The grandson of Indian spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi resigned yesterday as president of the board of a conflict resolution institute after writing an online essay on a Washington Post blog calling Jews and Israel "the biggest players" in a global culture of violence.
In his resignation letter to the board of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, founder Arun Gandhi wrote that his Jan. 7 essay "was couched in language that was hurtful and contrary to the principles of nonviolence. My intention was to generate a healthy discussion on the proliferation of violence. Clearly I did not achieve my goal. Instead, unintentionally, my words have resulted in pain, anger, confusion and embarrassment."
Israeli Zionists are global war mongers. The ones that infest
the highest levels of our State Department, the Pentagon, the White
House, the Foreign Service, the media, the universities and in
Congress and the courts have all united in this program of pogroms
aimed at driving out or eliminating all the non-Jews in the 'Holy
Land'. This ethnic cleansing effort began long before Hitler made his
first speech, it goes back to WWI.
Britain needed money. Badly. Jewish bankers wanted to fund
Zionist population relocation plans that were cooked up when the Czar
of Russia, worried about worker unrest, unleashed a pogrom against
the innocent Jews living throughout the 'Pale' which was the limited
lands where they were allowed to live in poor ghettos. These ghettos
became the reverse model with the colonization of Palestine. The
Ottoman Empire was approached by Jewish bankers seeking a place for
the displaced people of Russia who were told, 'One third must be
removed or killed.' Many Russian Jews came to NYC and settled in
America. A number went to France and Germany.
The Ottoman Government was happy to take bribes to resettle
Jews into their province. But in WWI, Turkey sided with Germany
against Russia and thus, was instantly against England. So when
Jewish bankers watched Lawrence of Arabia and the others starting an
insurrection against the Turks, they moved in to secure their place
yet again. This worked, via the Barfour Declarations. Armed with
this, they immediately began to buy out as much of the Holy Lands as
possible. The Muslim leaders at the Damacus Meeting were furious to
learn that Britain had unilaterally handed over the religious site to
the Jews without consulting them.
This anger nearly sank the British Empire in WWII. But the US
won and fear of Russia again caused the former Ottoman Empire
entities to side with the US and England. In return, they were
betrayed yet again and the establishment of Israel was pushed through
over their objections. Since then, we have been on course to the
Apocalypse. My one desire, if there is one, is to avoid this event.
All my life, it has been the one wish.
Alas, every day goes by and we walk the war path. The flap at
the Washington Post when a neutral man, upset over the sight of the
ghetto of Gaza being starved to death, he wanted to give some
warnings that people are more and more irritated by the Jewish demand
we worry more about the Holocaust and using this as justification for
creating a new Holocaust. He was saying, Jews are losing friends and
allies and endangering themselves because of Zionism's plans to
destroy all other people in the Holy Land.
I have spoken about how the Jewish Zionists want to be holding
all public positions while being totally invisible is a golem of
tremendous danger. It is the corruption of the Ring of Power as
Tolkein so carefully explained in his stories. When Gollum used his
new ring to sneak around his family and do things, his grandmother
kicked him out. The flap at the Washington Post when poor Mr. Gandhi
who has no urge to support the Apocalypse was huge. And in the end,
he was forced by the Jewish media and the Jews running the University
of Rochester to not only apologize to them but crawl on his belly and
take back the truthful words he wrote.
This disgusting action worked. The poor man didn't have my
stomach and was unable to see how brutally he was being abused. He
didn't stand up to the many screamers and the hostile, greedy men and
women who want every olive tree, every mud hut owned or used by the
innocent Palestinians. Just as the Jews were not allowed to own
farms, so the Jews want no Palestinians to own farms. And just as the
Jews were not allowed to challenge Christians in Russia in 1880, so
it is in the Holy Land and the US itself. After poor Gandhi who isn't
a fighter but wants 'peace' was thoroughly trashed and debased
himself utterly and showed no integrity or strength of will, the Jews
still forced him to leave.
They will now never let him talk about Jews again. He will be
like me: on the outside. But there is this pesky internet which has
given us all a voice even if we can never appear in mainstream media
in America. We are international and we all can yell about this as
much as we please and bit by bit, this is making a difference. The
story of the Palestinians are getting out despite media censorship
and lies. The truth about who owns what is coming out, too. The truth
about war lies spread by Zionists is being heard. The US is about to
have the most hideous election in years, worse than the Bush/Kerry
Skull and Bones versus Skull and Bones election. This one is AIPAC
versus AIPAC and bomb, bomb, bomb Iran McCain vying with Israel first
Gandhi's comments were part of a discussion about the future of Jewish identity on the religion blog On Faith at washingtonpost.com. He wrote that Jewish identity is "locked into the holocaust experience," which Jews "overplay . . . to the point that it begins to repulse friends." The Jewish nation -- Israel, he wrote -- is too reliant upon weapons and bombs and should instead befriend its enemies.
"Apparently, in the modern world, so determined to live by the bomb, this is an alien concept. You don't befriend anyone, you dominate them. We have created a culture of violence (Israel and the Jews are the biggest players) and that Culture of Violence is eventually going to destroy humanity," he wrote.
It is also interesting to me that he capitalizes the name
'Culture of Violence'. Years ago, I chose my 'Culture of Life News'
name because I was irritated by right wing Apocalyptic Christians
talking about the culture of life when they were plotting to destroy
all humanity in one last horrible spasm of religious annihilation.
Israel is desperately pushing us all into WWIII and they now are
openly threatening to nuke Iran. They work day and night to drive us
into war. They cover up crimes, assist terrorists....why was a top
Mossad agent sitting next to Atta on 9/11, anyway? They play many
dark ops games that hurt our nation and which are designed to make us
insecure and cause us to wish for more wars. The media here has been
very pro-war and has happily spread lies and deceptions designed to
drive us mad.
Today's NYT endorses war mongers. They even lie about the past
deeds of these war mongers while endorsing them. To keep the false
mantle of legitimacy, they imagine none of us have google and can see
what the Times has written in the past, we remember their war
mongering in 2003. I was part of the biggest antiwar demonstrations
in my life back then. The NYT at first refused to report on these
epic demonstrations that were pre-war, not after many years of war.
We had to hammer them to get any news of these demonstrations
One smaller demonstration where Muslims prayed for peace in
front of the NYT and filled the streets surrounding the Times
building in Manhattan: I got news of that via Xinhua news of China!
The Times never reported the story even though it stopped traffic in
midtown for over an hour and could not be missed.
On Jan. 11, university President Joel Seligman labeled Gandhi's initial comments stereotyping and said they were "fundamentally inconsistent with the core values" of the school. Yesterday, he called the resignation "appropriate."
The article won't tell readers this guy is a Jewish man.
Typical of how Jewish media cloaks themselves while at the same time,
exposing everyone else. This is beyond dangerous: it is fatal. The
Jews want us to believe that talking about Jews owning the media is
'anti-semitism' but pretending the Jewish community doesn't control a
lot of the media will spread the already growing distrust further and
further. Ron Paul's comments on how the media conspires to eliminate
his voice gets the biggest cheers at rallies.
The loss of credibility the media is suffering is growing as
it pushes harder and harder, the Zionist agenda. And if the economy
collapses, rage over who to blame will light upon the Jewish
community like a firestorm! This always happens. Why they think they
can avoid this via not talking about important things that are
bankrupting the US?
Zionism is very bad for the US. It is a cancer eating our
economic, political and diplomatic prospects. It is endangering the
US as a nation. As well as possibly, the world. This election should
be all about Zionism and what it is doing. The Christians wanting the
Apocalypse should be part of this. Instead of ignoring them after
getting rid of Huckabee, we should be very aware of them. They are
the future core of the potential Nazis who will repeat what Hitler
did in the past! The Zionsist/End of Times Christian alliance is a
hellish beast that is stalking the world! And the Zionists think they
control the Beast that is slouching out of Bethlehem. Instead, it
will devour them.
They should thank Gandhi for trying to warn them and trying to
stop this. They should pray that Jimmy Carter stops them from doing
their worse which we see today as Gaza triumphantly defies Jewish
attempts at destroying Hamas.
is an old interview with Jimmy Carter
Tuesday December 12, 2006
The many controversial issues concerning Palestine and the path to peace for Israel are intensely debated among Israelis and throughout other nations - but not in the United States. For the past 30 years, I have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts. This reluctance to criticise policies of the Israeli government is due to the extraordinary lobbying efforts of the American-Israel Political Action Committee and the absence of any significant contrary voices.
It would be almost politically suicidal for members of Congress to espouse a balanced position between Israel and Palestine, to suggest that Israel comply with international law or to speak in defence of justice or human rights for Palestinians. Very few would deign to visit the Palestinian cities of Ramallah, Nablus, Hebron, Gaza City or Bethlehem and talk to the beleaguered residents.
What is even more difficult to comprehend is why the editorial pages of the major newspapers and magazines in the US exercise similar self-restraint, quite contrary to private assessments expressed forcefully by their correspondents in the Holy Land.
My new book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, is devoted to circumstances and events in Palestine and not in Israel, where democracy prevails and citizens live together and are legally guaranteed equal status. It is already possible to judge public and media reaction. Sales are brisk, and I have had interesting interviews on TV. But I have seen few news stories in major newspapers about what I have written.
This older interview shows how hopeless things are. Jimmy
Carter clearly saw apartheid in the Zionist dream of domination. He
accurately talked about it. But hammered by the Jews relentlessly, he
was forced to grovel and crawl in the dust, kicked in the face and
slapped around. So he had to TELL LIES. There is no real 'democracy'
in Israel! There are no equal rights at all! Far from it! MUSLIMS who
are Israelis cannot drive on certain roads, use certain facilities.
They cannot join the military. They can't get special school money or
even simple building permits. They are discriminated against all over
the place. A man and wife born in ANY nation on earth who claim 1/4
Jewish blood can settle with benefits and bonuses in Israel but NO
Muslim marriage outside of Israel is recognized. Worse, any Muslim
who marries a Muslim inside of the occupied territories, if they
marry an Israeli Muslim, the Muslim is DEPORTED. He or she loses his
or her 'citizenship.' Mr. Carter knows this. But he grovels and
whimpers even as he tries to point out the obvious.
In the latest crimes against humanity, the starvation of the
people of Gaza, Carter isn't in the news, condemning this horror. He
is either silent or silenced. As the brave people of Gaza break out
and change the political landscape of the Middle East yet again, he
is silent. This 'peacemaker' who actually imprisoned the Palestinians
when he got Egypt to join the Zionists, is complicit in this crime.
He started the payments to Egyptian dictators who brutally rule those
people. He is the one who created this mess and should talk about
what is wrong there. Perhaps, apologize not to the Jewish criminals
but to the Palestinians.
'At stake is nothing less than our nation's soul'
In the meantime, the Middle East peace process has come to a screeching halt. For the first time since Israel became a nation, all former presidents, Democratic and Republican, have attempted to secure a comprehensive peace for Israel with hope and justice for the Palestinians.
The achievements of Camp David a quarter century ago and the more recent progress made by President Bill Clinton are now in peril.
Instead, violence has gripped the Holy Land, with the region increasingly swept by anti-American passions. This must change.
And here it is. He is in the news again, lying about peace in
the Middle East. NO President of the US has EVER offered the
Palestinians anything but betrayals. Camp David wasn't for them, it
was for Egypt and Israel. They lost land over it. The occupation got
nastier, not nicer. The cruel and unfair laws were made worse, not
better. Clinton didn't improve a thing, either. Any territory handed
back to the Palestinians who don't run anything since they are
OCCUPIED, were given back land that the Israelis didn't need right
now even as the Israeli Jews unilaterally seized ever greater lands
and built highways and walls designed to pen them into a series of
useless ghettos cut off from each other, from the olive groves and
from water.
So how is this going to change? Carter should go to Gaza and
grovel. He should stand in front of the Israeli walls and say, 'Take
down this Wall!' Reagan did this. The walls came down, didn't they
[after Germany paid Russia to not interfere]?
border crisis puts Egypt on the spot
It would be a high-risk strategy, running the risk of an armed clash with Hamas and even another withdrawal - either way it would be a public relations disaster for Cairo.
The other option is to sit down with Hamas, the militant Islamic group that runs Gaza. This is something Egypt has previously ruled out, but late on Friday the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak is reported to have offered to broker talks between Hamas and Fatah, the party of the Palestinian president.
As long as the Gaza side of this border remains wide open, Hamas have in effect made themselves an indispensable part of this problem and its solution.
Egypt has sympathy for the Palestinians but it needs to regain control of its own territory and is under pressure to do so from Israel and Washington who fear an open border allows weapons to be easily taken into Gaza.
The ONLY nations pressuring Egypt to resume the medieval siege
of the Gaza Ghetto is the US and the Jews in Israel. The Palestinian
Authority has managed to use a coup to destroy the election of the
Palestinian people who don't like the PA which is corrupt and lap
dogs of the Zionists. Abbas basically used US power to unilaterally
take over the West Bank. But he failed to oust Hamas from Gaza,
therefore, the siege. The discredited PA is now losing power very
rapidly as they sat idle while letting the Jews starve the people in
Gaza. Now that the people are free again and by the agency of their
elected leaders, the coup run by Abbas is in serious trouble at home.
He is a Quisling shown to be a traitor. They hung Quisling,
didn't they? The Norwegians, that is. People hate Quislings. Vichy
France's leaders were not honored or loved, were they? So it is here:
obviously, Abbas is not saving his people, he is exploiting them. He
has gained absolutely nothing after groveling to Israel. Not one
blasted thing. The West Bank people have no media, no voice, no
election powers, nothing. We don't have the faintest idea what they
think right now because the PA dictators have silenced them just as
the Egyptians are silenced by their dictator who also gets money from
the US.
The whole Muslim world is watching this battle of wills
closely. They can see how the US is weakening as our nation sinks
under the burden of our military spending. Nothing pisses me off more
than seeing all the conservatives on TV calling for destroying Social
Security because we are spending too much money. Not one of them
except for Ron Paul, calls for cutting a dime in military spending.
Indeed, 'Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran' McCain wants to cut taxes and
increase military spending which is pure insanity. The Muslims know
this and they track our misspending. They are waiting for us to
finally flounder. Then they will do what China is doing: demand their
lands to leave US control and revert to their control. Taiwan goes to
China and Jerusalem to the Muslims.
More important, prior to Bush's touchdown in the region, the most powerful institutions of the region had signalled inequivocably their commitment to ally with Iran against any and all war scenarios emanating from Washington. The first major initiative was the official invitation of the Gulf Cooperation Council, to Iranian President Ahmadinejad, to attend their summit in Doha December 3-4. This was the first time since the founding of the GCC that an Iranian leader had been accorded such an honor. Ahmadinejad did attend, and presented a proposal for cooperation in 12 points, which was warmly received. The proposal outlined plans for "regional security and economic pacts" without foreign influence, IRNA reported on December 16. Iranian sources have told this author that, following that historic event, Iran sent a letter out to its Arab neighbors, calling for the establishment of a working group to study his proposals further, and that another meeting on the issue will be held. Following that summit, an invitation was sent the Iranian President from the most influential Arab leader of the region. Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud personally invited Ahmadinejad to attend the Hajj prilgrimage, again an unprecedented event, -- the first time in 1,400 years -- which, Iranian sources assured this author, could not be underestimated.
It should be noted in this context, that very few, if any, of the Arab Gulf leaders fell for the line retailed by Bush in his earlier visits to Israel and the Occupied Territories. Though he preached peace, even venturing to declare that the territories occupied by Israel beginning in 1967, had to be liberated, what followed in the wake of his visit indicated that he had actually been on a wrecking mission. No sooner had he left Israel, than the Israelis acted with vengeance in Gaza, demolishing the Palestinian Interior Ministry, killing dozens of Palestinians, and closing off the entire area from vital supplies of humanitarian goods. Had he discussed this with Olmert?
Diplomacy, religion and finances: these intertwine. The US
ignores this at our peril. The Arabs let Bush grovel in front of them
but then they also are excited about our looming collapse. They used
to be afraid of Russia just a year ago but now they have the Dragon
of China who is most anxious to see no religious wars where the
precious oil is coming from. The practical Chinese hate the high
price of present oil and are increasingly irritated with the US
raising the price of risk every few months. This latest visit where
Bush simply repeated Jewish threats aimed at Iran and Palestine, made
our position worse in the Arab world. We are increasingly at a
disadvantage there. Iran has seen one diplomatic victory after
on Gaza's border mounts
Internationally, the UN Security Council is due to meet on Thursday for the second time in three days to try to agree a statement calling for an immediate end to violence in Gaza and southern Israel.
And the UN's top human rights body, the Human Rights Council, passed a resolution condemning Israeli military action and demanding an end to the Israeli military blockade of Gaza.
Most Western states did not take part in the vote.
We keep forgetting that all of Europe as well as the US has
worked hard to destroy any political power, unity or strength in the
Muslim world. The rulers of the Sunnis are frightened of the
possibility of revolution. Far from receding, it is actually growing.
The defiance of the Palestinian people who successfully broke a seige
set up in the US and endorsed by the Palestinian Authorities shows
that defiance makes stronger people! They are being hammered into a
sword by the blows of the Empire. As we pound away on these
once-quiet people, they are turned into a powerful blade that cuts us
to the bone. The inner strength they gain in their defiance is hard
to extinguish. The Jews, for thousands of years, lit candles every
winter to celebrate identical defiance and pride. All this, while
suffering the most terrible of torments.
Why they imagine this won't happen in Palestine baffles me.
But then, the ability to see oneself in a mirror is a problem for
anyone wanting to be invisible all the time. Note the cowardice
Europe and the US in this latest UN vote. Our stature shrank with the
refusal to even vote. It is yet another attempt at making things
invisible. We didn't hear about this in the news here in the US,
either. Shame, shame on all the Jews playing this game. They lost but
won't face the truth. This loss is theirs, not the Palestinians.
History will judge all parties and the US and Israel will come up on
the down side.
It appears that the cases of Sibel Edmonds and Valarie Plame are linked. Plame was in hot pursuit of the same network. Wayne Madsen, an investigative reporter, was the first to see the connection between the Edmonds and Plame cases. He wrote that Plame’s Brewster Jennings operation had intercepted a nuclear materials shipment that was supposed to have been planted in Iraq to make the case for weapons of mass destruction there. Madsen traces the corrupt tie to Turkey and other Islamic countries far beyond 1996 and, like The Times, links it to the Pakistani bomb. .Richard Barlow, head of the Counter-Proliferation Division, was fired in 1989, when he found evidence that the George H.W. Bush administration was helping the A.Q. Khan Abdul-Qadeer-Khan-Profile Dec-07nuclear manufacturing program in Pakistan. Stephen Hadley, then an assistant to Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney, led the effort to fire Barlow. Today, the Swiss Federal Prosecutor’s Office has been complaining that the administration of George W. Bush will not assist it in its investigation of AQ Khan.
The Scooter Libby case is interesting because “Turkey” kept turning up in documents that were released. When Cheney aids and Rove discussed Plame, their discussion evolved into a discussion of Russian mogul Mikhail Khodorkovsky, A Q Khan and the Turks. At one point, some of the White House e-mail had been lost, but prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald learned that it was stored at a facility in Olney, Maryland. After he found what he needed, the White House also found the missing e-mail and turned it over. In the trial, the prosecution produced hand written notes that proved that Cheney, Libby, Deputy White House communications director Cathie Martin, and others conspired to besmirch the reputation of Plame’s husband, Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Despite revelation of this damaging information, some believe that Fitzgerald, who covered up some important information regarding the first World Trade Center bombing, has little choice but to take a dive in the current case for the Bush administration and that only Libby would suffer in connection to the revelation that Plame was a CIA covert operative. The defense continually said it would put Vice President Cheney on the stand, but declined to do so in the end. Libby was found guilty of lying, and President Bush subsequently commuted Libby’s sentence.
Like a dark shadow, this story oozes along, hidden from the US